17:30-18:30 【公開講演】
The Religious Secularism of the Late Schelling
Sean J. McGrath
Professor of Philosophy, Memorial University / Visiting Professor of Religious Studies, McGill University
Schelling concludes his Philosophy of Revelation with a theory of history carefully calibrated to counteract what he perceived as certain fatal problems with Hegel’s. In Schelling’s vision, modernity does not rest on its achievements but moves beyond them in anticipation of a future in which the tensions within Christianity, between reason and revelation, Christendom and Enlightenment, universalism and particularism, are definitively and finally resolved, and the order of world peace prophesied by Paul (1 Cor 15:28) is inaugurated. This will signal the end of the state and the secularisation of the world, even as the transcendent term of religion, the divine, is restored to its place of sovereignty over the human. In this paper, I will examine what, if any, political significance for our times can be retrieved from Schelling's last philosophy.
Cor 15:28)が新たに始められる。このことは、超越的な宗教用語である神が人間に対する主権の場を回復すると同時に、国家の終わりと世界の世俗化の合図を送るだろう。本稿では、もしシェリング後期哲学から我々の時代に対する政治的意義があるのであれば、どんな政治的意義が取り戻されうるのかを検討する。